Crack Cocaine Addiction sucks ass

It takes one to know one.

All addictions are ultimately Victim Behavior- they're also a symptom of codependency.

Recovery (serenity) requires a quantum shift, detachment defined is nothing (because Ego is digitalized), and detachment 'experienced' is serenity.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Crack Addiction sucks ass... it takes one to know one

It takes one to know one.
I used to snort cocaine, then I had my incest flashbacks...

Don't remember much from 1963 to 1968, they call this dissociation.
That time frame was my 5th birthday (the day Kennedy was shot) until King's assasination... It was such a fog that I wasn't even aware that I had a gap in my memory.
I truly didn't know that everybody else could remember that much of their childhood.
  • Didn't know who my teachers were

  • Don't remember what I got for Christmas

  • Don't remember where I went to school

  • My perpetrator moved away when I was ten.

    I stayed sober for 6 years after I had my flashbacks... then my Dad died

    that's all I got time for tonight...

    for now, just visit my other blogs:



  • My hobby... the fair tax


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